next steps
Take Your Next Step

Follow Jesus
We would love for you to find a relationship with Jesus today. This is the first and most important “next step” we can offer! God responds to all who genuinely seek Him in faith.
We believe that serving is an opportunity to participate in Kingdom work, to grow in your faith, to share your gifts and skills and time, and to build relationships with those around you.

Life Groups
Life can get complicated. We shouldn’t tackle it alone. Life Groups at Calvary is one way to walk through our Christian faith and community together in a safe and supportive environment.
Baby Dedications
Baby Dedication is such an exciting moment for parents and families! It is also a critical moment for parents to do two important things early in the life of a child: Dedicate them and their future to the Lord. Dedicate themselves as parents to be active, Godly influences in the child’s life.
Baptism is a public celebration of your decision to follow Christ. If you are a follower of Jesus, and you haven’t been baptized in water, we encourage you to take this amazing step! It doesn’t matter if you came to Christ 20 years ago or just last week. It’s time to move forward in your faith journey.
It’s our desire that everyone who attends each week at Calvary would truly believe in what we are doing. Are you interested in becoming a member at Calvary? Learn what Calvary is all about by exploring our vision, fundamental beliefs, mission, values, purpose and actions.